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Fight Coronavirus with UV-C LEDs that disinfect automatically

Blog & News

Ashla Systems announced that due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic, its industries are committed to researching which technology can help in the fight against contamination. Many projects refer to systems tried and tested for over 70 years such as the use of UV-C light which has been shown to kill the virus after only 10 minutes of contact.

Fight Coronavirus with UV-C LEDs that disinfect automatically


Ashla Systems announced that due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic, its industries are committed to researching which technology can help in the fight against contamination. Many projects refer to systems tried and tested for over 70 years such as the use of UV-C light which has been shown to kill the virus after only 10 minutes of contact.


UV-C LEDs have a potential very similar to sunlight and disinfect by breaking the molecular bonds that hold together the microbial genetic material or virus proteins. Ultraviolet light has been used extensively for over 40 years in disinfecting drinking water and hospitals against hundreds of bacteria and viruses including those related to COVID-19 – SARS-COV-1 and MERS-COV.


Companies around the world are focusing on using UV-C lights to help kill the virus. There have already been tremendous advances, including UV-C robots that can disinfect rooms and airplanes and tunnels that buses can pass through to be free of contaminants.

FuocoFreddo is also focusing on one of the most used points of all buildings: the elevators.

In the United States, elevators make 18 billion passenger journeys each year, and each elevator carries an average of 20,000 passengers a year. According to a study by the University of Arizona, elevators carry 40 times more bacteria than public toilet seats. This alarming fact is driving building owners and hotels around the world to develop safe methods of keeping elevators clean such as using UV-C LEDs to sanitize.

According to scientists, in fact, after someone sneezes coughs or speaks loudly, the coronavirus could remain “in the air” for up to 3 hours. COVID 19 lives on metal and plastic for up to 3 days. Elevators are so vital to the movement of people in a building (especially in America) that their sanitation cannot be overlooked.

Here you can read the full article on Send2pressNewswire